Is My Child Dance Ready?

floor group

Dance is powerful tool that has an endless list of benefits for childhood development as written about in my very first blog, Dance Training at TSDA – A Gift That Lasts A Lifetime.

Deciding to take your child to dance classes can be a happy but sometimes stressful time. So today, I will provide a simple questionnaire that Natalie Philippe, my late boss, mentor, dear friend and head of the super successful studios Dance Station now located in Romsey Victoria, passed on to me upon opening my own studio.

This questionnaire is a very helpful indicator for any parent evaluating whether your child is ready to start song and dance classes at the Two Shoes Dance Academy, it has definitely attributed to the effective enrolment and attainment of students at our performing arts school.


Is my child TSDA ready? – Questionnaire


Currently located in both Essendon and Westmeadows, Two Shoes Dance Academy endeavors to instill the highest quality dance training in each and every student and in order to do this participation is the key to your child’s development.


It is important to note that children develop at different rates both physically and emotionally and some children may need more attention than others, it is important that to get the balance right and why we ask parents to complete this questionnaire to determine if your child is TSDA ready.


At TSDA, classes are conducted in a positive manner, with a structured format designed for children who are class ready and eager to learn dance. There is no forced participation. So for your child and the participating fellow students to gain the most out of classes we ask parents to check the following criteria’s:


  • Is my child happy when they hear it is dancing day?


  • Is my child able to participate without a parent being present in the room?


  • Is my child able to take simple instructions and follow directions? (i.e.: staying in line or waiting their turn.)


  • Is my child’s physical development ready for dance?


If you answered yes to all 4 questions your child is ready for their trial class at TSDA!


Please note: We want all children to enjoy their experiences at TSDA and like to provide feedback to parents regularly, so that we can keep you informed of your child’s progress. Sometimes, due to age, maturity, anxiety or overall tiredness children can struggle to apply themselves during the sessions; part of our commitment to the duty of care to our students/your children is that this is communicated to you as their parent. It is important that a two-way communication policy is maintained between parents and the school at all times during the students journey through song and dance.

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